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Assignment | Color Brewer
  1. Go to the site ColorBrewer

  2. Change colors, number of data, nature of data.

  3. Can you easily distinguish every color?

  4. If you have 10 data classes of qualitative nature - can you distinguish all 10 colors?

  5. Can you spot some outliers in the data?

Assignment | 

Coming Soon

Color Brewer

Color-Blind Simulator

Assignment 03

Word Cloud Assignment

Introduce Yourself

You will create Word Cloud visualization describing your research, interest and hobbies. Go to the next slide to see how it is done!

Word Cloud
Color Brewer

Tufte's Design

  1. You will learn ten data design rules.

  2. Click on button or go to the site.

  3. Make sure you have adobe flash enabled.



Assignment | Simulator
  1. Go to the site 

  2. Upload and test various image or slides.

  3. Change various views

  4. Did it affect your colors?

Anchor 1
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